★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened


Wear range

Max: 1.0
Factory new
Minimal wear

Each skin has a minimum and maximum wear value, that's what we call a wear range. The line shows the available wear range for this skin.

Item Class

Pro Players

★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened

4.5 2641 Reviews
Inspect skin
★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened




The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened was first introduced to CS:GO 5 years ago, on September 12th, 2016. It was released as part of the Shadow Case, alongside the "Infiltration" update.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened is a rare and coveted skin that can only be acquired through opening a Danger Zone Case or Horizon Case container in CS:GO. Its unique and distinctive blue pattern, showcasing a stunning blend of hues, makes it a highly sought-after item among collectors and players alike.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened enjoys a staggering popularity of 90% in the CS:GO community, solidifying its position as one of the most sought-after items. This high level of popularity is determined by its consistent daily sales volume and the premium price it commands in the market.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened is one of 391 other Knife skins, making it a highly sought-after collectible among CS:GO players. With a rarity level of Covert, this skin is an ultra rare drop, boasting an estimated drop chance of just 0.26%, further enhancing its value and exclusivity.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened is a high-end skin that can be quite costly, ranging in price from $397.16 to $996.14. However, players looking to acquire this skin will be pleased to know that it is currently widely available and can be purchased from various marketplaces. In fact, there are approximately 5.2K units of the Case Hardened variant in public CS:GO inventories, making it relatively accessible to those interested in adding it to their collection.



The float value of the ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened ranges from 0.00 to 1.00, allowing players to obtain the skin in all exteriors, including Factory New, Minimal Wear, Field-Tested, Well-Worn, and Battle-Scarred. Additionally, for collectors and enthusiasts, there are StatTrak versions available for each exterior of the Case Hardened Talon Knife, adding a unique tracking feature to the skin.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened has garnered immense praise from the CS:GO community, with over 2.6K votes on Skins.top resulting in an impressive average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. Its popularity is further solidified by its ownership among renowned professional players such as flusha, niko, and jasonr.

Finish style

Finish style

This Talon Knife showcases a mesmerizing "Case Hardened" finish, featuring a unique pattern index that adds depth and variation to its vibrant blue and purple hues. The intricate pattern on the blade and handle creates an eye-catching display reminiscent of the case hardening process used in real-life firearms.