★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened (Factory New)


Wear range

Max: 1.0
Factory new
Minimal wear

Each skin has a minimum and maximum wear value, that's what we call a wear range. The line shows the available wear range for this skin.

Item Class

Pro Players

★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened (Factory New)

4.5 2684 Reviews
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1 Offers
from $ 1001.88
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★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened (Factory New)




The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened made its debut in the world of CS:GO on August 1st, 2018, when it was introduced as part of the "A New Horizon" update. This highly sought-after knife skin was included in the Danger Zone Case, captivating players with its stunning Case Hardened pattern and becoming an instant favorite among collectors and enthusiasts.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened, in Factory New condition, can be acquired by unlocking a Danger Zone Case or Horizon Case container in CS:GO. Unlike other skins, this knife does not belong to any specific collections, adding to its rarity and desirability among players.



With a staggering popularity rating of 90%, the ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened (Factory New) has garnered immense attention within the CS:GO community, solidifying its status as one of the most sought-after items. The measure of its popularity takes into account its daily sales volume and the consistently high price it commands.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened (Factory New) is one of 391 other knife skins available in CS:GO, but its rarity is classified as Covert. With an estimated drop chance of just 0.26%, obtaining this specific Case Hardened variant in Factory New condition is an ultra rare occurrence.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened (Factory New) for CS:GO is a highly sought-after skin that comes with a hefty price tag, ranging between $397.16 and $996.14. However, despite its cost, it is currently quite accessible as it can be purchased from various markets. In fact, there are currently 5.2K units of the Case Hardened skin in public CS:GO inventories, making it relatively abundant for those looking to acquire it.



The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened in Factory New condition has a float value ranging from 0.00 to 1.00, allowing for a wide variety of patterns and colors on the blade. Additionally, there is a StatTrak version available for each exterior, providing players with the option to track their kills with this stunning knife skin.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The ★ Talon Knife | Case Hardened has garnered significant community support, with over 2.6K votes on Skins.top and an impressive average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. Its popularity is further solidified by its ownership by renowned professional CS:GO players such as flusha, niko, and jasonr.

Finish style

Finish style

This Factory New Talon Knife showcases a stunning "Case Hardened" finish, featuring a mesmerizing blend of blue and gold hues that vary in intensity and pattern across the blade. The pattern index greatly influences the appearance, with higher index values exhibiting more vibrant colors and intricate designs, making each knife truly unique.