P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred)



Wear range

Max: 0.5
Factory new
Minimal wear

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Pro Players

P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred)

4.4 1687 Reviews
Inspect skin
P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred)
P250 | Black & Tan inspecting P250 | Black & Tan reloading P250 | Black & Tan standing


The P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) is a reliable sidearm with manageable recoil and a rapid firing rate, making it an affordable option to take down armored adversaries. Its sleek black and tan multicam hydrographic design adds a touch of style to your loadout, but remember, stealth is key - sometimes not pulling the trigger is the best strategy.



The P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) was first introduced to the CS:GO community on September 21st, 2021, as a part of the Rio 2022 Dust II Souvenir Package. This package was released alongside the highly anticipated "Operation Riptide" update, bringing a fresh wave of content and excitement to players.



The P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) is a highly sought-after skin that can be acquired through opening Antwerp 2022 Dust II Souvenir Package, Rio 2022 Dust II Souvenir Package, or Stockholm 2021 Dust II Souvenir Package containers. It is also included in The 2021 Dust 2 Collection, showcasing its rarity and exclusivity among CS:GO enthusiasts.



With a popularity rating of 85%, the P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) stands among the elite 15% of the most sought-after items in CS:GO. This ranking is determined by analyzing its daily sales volume and market price, solidifying its status as a highly desired skin in the community.



The P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) is just one of the 347 available pistol skins in CS:GO. Being classified as Mil-Spec Grade, it is considered a relatively common drop with an estimated drop chance of 79.92%.



The P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) is a budget-friendly skin with a price range of $0.11 to $25.96, making it accessible to a wide range of players. It is currently widely available and can be found on multiple different markets, with approximately 111.8K units of the Black & Tan skin currently in public CS:GO inventories.



The P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) in CS:GO has a float value ranging from 0.00 to 0.50, ensuring that the skin is obtainable in all levels of wear. Additionally, players can also find a Souvenir version of the Black & Tan skin for each exterior.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The P250 | Black & Tan (Battle-Scarred) has garnered significant community attention, with over 1.6K votes on addskins.com and an impressive average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars. Its popularity is further evident by its ownership among renowned professional CS:GO players such as kennys, spunj, and maden.

Finish style

Finish style

The Black & Tan finish on this P250 showcases a mesmerizing hydrographic pattern that gives the weapon a unique and eye-catching appearance. The predominantly gray color scheme adds a touch of sophistication to the overall design, while the pattern index adds variation and depth to the finish.