★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic



Wear range

Max: 0.85
Factory new
Minimal wear

Each skin has a minimum and maximum wear value, that's what we call a wear range. The line shows the available wear range for this skin.

Item Class

Pro Players

★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic

4.8 1128 Reviews
Inspect skin
★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic
★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic inspecting ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic standing


The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic is a contemporary interpretation of the iconic falchion sword, featuring a distinctive curved edge and a clip point blade. Its anodized red finish adds a touch of elegance, while the utilization of steel mesh reduces its overall weight for increased agility.



The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic made its debut in the CS:GO community on September 21st, 2021, when it was included in the Dreams & Nightmares Case, coinciding with the highly anticipated "Operation Riptide" update. Its sleek design and intricate patterns quickly captured the attention of players, making it a sought-after skin in the game.



The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic is a rare and sought-after skin that can only be obtained by opening a Dreams & Nightmares Case or Operation Riptide Case container in CS:GO. Unlike other skins, it does not belong to any specific collection, making it even more unique and valuable.



The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic enjoys a staggering 95% popularity rating, solidifying its position as one of the most sought-after items in CS:GO. This remarkable popularity is determined by its exceptional daily sales volume and the premium price it commands in the market.



The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic is among a collection of 391 different Knife skins, making it quite exclusive. With a rarity classification of Covert, this skin is an incredibly rare drop, estimated to have a drop chance of only 0.26%.



The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic is a high-end skin for CS:GO, priced between $149.73 and $332.88. Despite its higher price range, it is readily accessible as it can be purchased from various markets, and there are currently 5.7K units of the Autotronic available in public CS:GO inventories.



The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic is available in all exteriors, with a float value ranging from 0.00 to 0.85, ensuring a variety of wear levels for collectors and players alike. Additionally, for those seeking a more prestigious option, StatTrak versions of the Autotronic are available in each exterior variant.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The ★ Falchion Knife | Autotronic has garnered significant community approval, with a substantial number of votes on Skins.top resulting in an impressive average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. Moreover, its popularity is further reinforced by its ownership by renowned professional CS:GO players pimp and fashr, indicating its desirability among skilled players.

Finish style

Finish style

This realistic Falchion Knife boasts a "Gunsmith" finish, featuring a skillful blend of patina and custom paint techniques. Its striking color scheme of red and gray adds a touch of intensity, while pattern indexes have no impact on the captivating Autotronic finish.