Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind StatTrak


Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind StatTrak

5.0 2890 Reviews




The Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind was added to CS:GO's inventory on February 12th, 2015, eight years ago. It was included in the game as part of the "Smoke screen" update, which brought various new features and content to enhance the gameplay experience. This particular music kit was crafted by the talented community designer known as "mateo".



The Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind StatTrak for CS:GO is an exclusive item that cannot be acquired through container openings or collection completion. It is a rare and unique music kit that can only be obtained through special events, promotions, or as a limited-time reward for participating in specific tournaments or community activities.



The Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind StatTrak for CS:GO has gained significant popularity, with a rating of 85%. This places it in the upper echelon of the most sought-after items in the game, as determined by its daily sales volume and price.



The Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind is one of 67 other Music Kit items, placing it in the common category. With an estimated drop chance of 79.92%, it is a frequently obtained item in CS:GO.



The Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind StatTrak for CS:GO is an incredibly affordable item, with prices ranging from $2.81 to $4.09. It is currently widely available and can be purchased from multiple different markets, making it easily accessible to fans of the game.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind has garnered immense praise from the CS:GO community, with over 2.8K votes on resulting in a perfect 5.0 out of 5-star rating. Its popularity extends to the professional scene as well, as renowned players seang@res, cerq, and ax1le proudly own this exceptional music kit.