★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure

4.6 1356 Reviews
★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure attacking ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure standing


These sleek and durable Moto Gloves are designed to provide optimal grip and protection for the wearer, allowing them to maintain control and precision even in high-pressure situations. The blood-red accents add a touch of intensity, making these gloves a stylish choice for any CS:GO player.



The ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure made its debut in the world of CS:GO on December 3rd, 2020, as a stylish addition to the game's cosmetic offerings. It was introduced as part of the Recoil Case, coinciding with the exciting "Operation Broken Fang" update, which brought new gameplay features and content to the community.



The ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure were initially introduced as a rare drop in the Operation Broken Fang Case, Recoil Case, or Snakebite Case containers, offering players a chance to acquire this unique skin. Unlike other skins, the ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure do not belong to any specific collections, making them an exclusive and standalone addition to a player's inventory.



The ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure is currently highly sought after, boasting a staggering popularity rating of 95%. Its immense popularity can be attributed to its consistently high daily sales volume and its relatively high price within the CS:GO market, solidifying its status as one of the most coveted items in the game.



The ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure is one of only 72 other Gloves skins, making it a highly sought-after item in CS:GO. Its rarity is classified as Extraordinary, with an estimated drop chance of just 0.26%, making it an exceptionally rare find in the game.



The ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure is a relatively affordable CS:GO skin, ranging in price from $70.05 to $1,600.64. It is currently widely available on various markets, making it easily accessible for players. Additionally, there are currently 12.3K units of the Blood Pressure skin in public CS:GO inventories, indicating its popularity among players.



The float value of the ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure varies between 0.06 and 0.80, ensuring a wide range of wear levels for this skin. Unfortunately, collectors won't find any StatTrak or Souvenir versions of the Blood Pressure gloves in circulation.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The ★ Moto Gloves | Blood Pressure has garnered significant community support with over 1.2K votes on Skins.top, earning an impressive average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. Its popularity is further solidified by its ownership among renowned professional CS:GO players such as bodyy, furlan, and steel.