MAG-7 | Bulldozer

MAG-7 | Bulldozer

4.9 6049 Reviews
Inspect skin
MAG-7 | Bulldozer
MAG-7 | Bulldozer inspecting MAG-7 | Bulldozer reloading MAG-7 | Bulldozer standing
Damage map
Damage map
  • Team: Citizens
  • Magazine capacity: 5/32
  • Damage: 30
  • Spread: 40.0
  • Rate of fire: 71
  • Movement speed: 225
  • Kill reward: $ 900
Damage spread on distance
No armor
Kevlar & Helmet
1 m
100 m


The CT-exclusive Mag-7 is a formidable shotgun known for its devastating close-range damage. With its efficient magazine-style reloads, it proves to be a reliable tactical option. Sporting a production line yellow color scheme and solid color spray-painted parts, this weapon exudes a bone-crushing aura that strikes fear into the hearts of opponents.



The MAG-7 | Bulldozer made its debut in the world of CS:GO on November 27th, 2013, as part of the Berlin 2019 Mirage Souvenir Package. This update aimed to bring a fresh look to the game, introducing the powerful and rugged MAG-7 shotgun with a distinct Bulldozer skin.



The MAG-7 | Bulldozer is a skin that can be acquired by opening one of the 13 containers that contain it, such as the Atlanta 2017 Mirage Souvenir Package, Berlin 2019 Mirage Souvenir Package, and Boston 2018 Mirage Souvenir Package containers. Additionally, it is part of The Mirage Collection, adding to its exclusivity and desirability among players.



The MAG-7 | Bulldozer is highly sought after by CS:GO players, with a popularity rating of 85%, placing it among the top 15% of the most coveted items in the game. This ranking is determined by analyzing the skin's daily sales volume and its market value.



The MAG-7 | Bulldozer is one of 134 other Shotgun skins, making it a relatively uncommon find. With a rarity classification of Restricted, this skin has an estimated drop chance of 15.98%, adding to its rarity and desirability among collectors and players alike.



The MAG-7 | Bulldozer is a reasonably priced skin, with prices ranging from $2.70 to $769.72. It is readily accessible as it can be found on various markets, making it easy for players to purchase. Additionally, there are currently 32.4K units of the Bulldozer skin in public CS:GO inventories.



The MAG-7 | Bulldozer in CS:GO has a float value that spans from a well-worn 0.06 to a battle-scarred 0.80, ensuring that players can acquire the skin in various conditions. Additionally, there are Souvenir versions of the Bulldozer available for each exterior, providing collectors with an extra layer of rarity and desirability.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The MAG-7 | Bulldozer has garnered a significant amount of positive feedback from the CS:GO community, with an impressive average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars based on over 6K votes on Its popularity is further evident as it is being used by renowned professional players such as neo, shroud, and seang@res.

Finish style

Finish style

The MAG-7 | Bulldozer in CS:GO features a "Solid Color" finish with a distinct Bulldozer pattern. During the painting process, each component of the weapon is carefully coated with up to four vibrant colors, resulting in a striking yellow tint as the primary shade. The Bulldozer finish remains consistent across all pattern indexes, ensuring a consistent and eye-catching appearance.