M4A4 | Converter

4.8 1752 Reviews
Inspect skin
M4A4 | Converter
M4A4 | Converter inspecting M4A4 | Converter reloading M4A4 | Converter standing
Damage map
Damage map
  • Team: Citizens
  • Magazine capacity: 30/90
  • Damage: 33
  • Spread: 0.6
  • Rate of fire: 667
  • Movement speed: 225
  • Kill reward: $ 300
Damage spread on distance
No armor
Kevlar & Helmet
1 m
100 m


The M4A4 | Converter is a reliable full-auto assault rifle favored by Counter-Terrorists, offering improved accuracy compared to the AK-47. Its sleek design features a striking red and black mesh hydrographic, adding a touch of style to the battlefield.



The M4A4 | Converter made its debut in the world of CS:GO on September 3rd, 2018, with the release of the Paris 2023 Inferno Souvenir Package. This update, known as "FACEIT 2018 – Ways to Watch," not only brought a new weapon skin but also introduced various features to enhance the spectator experience.



The M4A4 | Converter is a highly sought-after skin that can be acquired through opening one of the seven containers that house this unique design, such as the Antwerp 2022 Inferno Souvenir Package, Berlin 2019 Inferno Souvenir Package, and Katowice 2019 Inferno Souvenir Package. Additionally, this skin is also featured in The 2018 Inferno Collection, adding to its exclusivity and desirability among CS:GO players.



With a staggering popularity of 90%, the M4A4 | Converter has become a beloved choice among CS:GO players, solidifying its place as one of the most sought-after skins in the game. This exceptional level of popularity is determined by its consistently high daily sales volume and its relatively high price in the market.



The M4A4 | Converter is one of the 255 available rifle skins in CS:GO, placing it in the category of common drops. With a Mil-Spec Grade rarity, it has an estimated drop chance of 79.92%, making it a frequently encountered skin in the game.



The M4A4 | Converter comes in various conditions, ranging from Factory New to Well-Worn, with float values between 0.00 and 0.40. Additionally, players can also obtain a Souvenir version of the Converter in each of these exteriors.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The M4A4 | Converter has garnered significant positive sentiment within the CS:GO community, with over 1.6K votes on addskins.com resulting in an impressive average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. Its popularity is further solidified by its ownership among renowned professional players such as allu, tarik, and azr.

Finish style

Finish style

The M4A4 | Converter in CS:GO showcases a captivating "Hydrographic" style, where weapon components are meticulously immersed in a water tank covered with a floating hydrographic film. As the film adheres to the primed parts, a striking pattern emerges, with a dominant red tint that sets the primary color tone. The overall appearance of the Converter finish can vary depending on the pattern index, adding an element of uniqueness to each individual skin.