M249 | Deep Relief



Wear range

Max: 1.0
Factory new
Minimal wear

Each skin has a minimum and maximum wear value, that's what we call a wear range. The line shows the available wear range for this skin.

Pro Players

M249 | Deep Relief

4.4 2278 Reviews
Inspect skin
M249 | Deep Relief
M249 | Deep Relief inspecting M249 | Deep Relief reloading M249 | Deep Relief standing
Damage map
Damage map
  • Team: Terrorists, Citizens
  • Magazine capacity: 100/200
  • Damage: 32
  • Spread: 2.0
  • Rate of fire: 750
  • Movement speed: 195
  • Kill reward: $ 300
Damage spread on distance
No armor
Kevlar & Helmet
1 m
100 m


The M249 | Deep Relief is a reliable and versatile light machine gun that excels in open areas, offering players a slower fire rate in exchange for enhanced accuracy and a generous ammo capacity. Its unique paint job showcases a sand-colored top layer that gradually transitions into darker greens, providing a tactile experience reminiscent of exploring deeper into uncharted territories. How many bullets does it take to reach the center?



The M249 | Deep Relief made its debut in CS:GO on December 3rd, 2020, as a new addition to the Operation Broken Fang Case during the Operation Broken Fang update. This intricately designed skin was crafted by the talented community artist VisHomin.



The M249 | Deep Relief is a skin that can be acquired through opening an Operation Broken Fang Case container, which is available in the game. It is also included as part of the Operation Broken Fang Collection, offering players a chance to add it to their inventory.



With a popularity of 75%, the M249 | Deep Relief is highly sought after in CS:GO, consistently ranking among the top 25% of the most popular items. This popularity is determined by its strong daily sales volume and its relatively high price in the skin market.



The M249 | Deep Relief is one of 43 other Machinegun skins in CS:GO. With a Mil-Spec Grade rarity, it is considered a relatively common drop, with an estimated drop chance of 79.92%.



The M249 | Deep Relief is available in all exteriors, with float values ranging from 0.00 to 1.00, allowing players to find their preferred condition. Additionally, collectors can also acquire a StatTrak version of the Deep Relief skin for each exterior, adding a touch of rarity and tracking their kills in style.

Community sentiment

Community sentiment

The M249 | Deep Relief has garnered significant community support, with over 2.2K votes on addskins.com and an impressive average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars. Its popularity is further reinforced by its ownership by renowned professional CS:GO players such as fallen and spunj, indicating its appeal and recognition within the competitive gaming community.

Finish style

Finish style

The M249 | Deep Relief for CS:GO showcases a "Custom Paint Job" style that incorporates the mesmerizing Deep Relief finish. This finish allows for a myriad of personalized appearances, with the primary color of the skin featuring an alluring green tint. Regardless of pattern indexes, the Deep Relief finish remains unaffected, ensuring a consistently stunning design.